And Now For Something Completely Different!

Greetings! Many of you might be joining Indie Quilter as crossovers from The Fiber Nation blog. For my readers from there, know that I am BACK! I had several family and self medical emergencies since April of 2014, but I am happy to be moving past all that and back into sewing, quilting and creating again.unnamed

I spent several months stewing over this change, or “rebranding”. I began to realize over time that I am much more comfortable with a personal blog, rather than the industry blog that The Fiber Nation was intended to be. (I won’t be taking it down for now, as there are several articles on there that still get a lot of views each day.)

I’m Stephanie Forsyth, aka IndieQuilter. I am a quilt designer, quilter, artist, and surface pattern designer, and future fabric designer!

I started blogging becauseunnamed-2 I LOVE all aspects of quilting, and I find a lot of pleasure in sharing what I’m working on, as well as hints & tips that can help fellow quilters.

So what will you find here at IndieQuilter? You will see posts about projects I’m currently working on, quilt relevant articles, free projects, DIY instructions, and give aways! I will keep you up to date on magazines you can find my quilt design patterns in, pieces about other quilters and designers are being planned out as well. I can’t wait to again share my love and excitement about quilting and surface pattern design.

unnamed-1I would also love you, yes YOU to be involved in IndieQuilter. I encourage comments here on the blog. I can also be reached at I’d love to know your thoughts on posts here and suggestions for future topics and posts.

I look forward to bringing you information and inspiration here at IndieQuilter!